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Friday, November 30, 2007

Eco Media Player

Stephen Fry has blogged about it and today, with a big ol' trip coming up, I damn near bought one. Unfortunately I have a big ol' trip coming up, so can't really justify the cost. Yet. But I'm totally loving this:

Not the most beautiful thing in the world, but have you seen the features on it? Chief of course being the ability to wind the fucking thing up! I've suddenly fallen in love with the idea of cranking up my mp3 player. Let alone the fact that running out of battery will be a thing of the past. And given the length of time I'm about to spend in planes, trains and automobiles, that's no bad thing.

And then there's the phone-charger application, the SD card expansion slot and the torch. Yes, the torch! Alright, it's not a beautiful piece of sleek modern design with a smooth, intuitive interface, but then neither am I. And it, like me and the cockroaches, will eat your sleek designer ass alive when the apocalypse comes! *

It seems to retail most places for around £170, but eco-shop Green & Easy (part of a huge network of "green" online stores that I never even knew existed) has it up for about £130.

*I mean this quite literally.

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