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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Things I Did Yesterday 23/04/08

Like a hamster in a ball, yesterday I:

- Had a jolly day of japes and fun at work. And did a roster for the months of July & August.
- Cooked a kind of chicken-y, pepper-y, honey mustard-y, Chicken Tonight-y with Uncle Ben's 2-minute rice-y kind of a meal. It was fucking delicious.
- Read before bed and realised that I was so tired while forcing myself to read on the night before that I had completely forgotten what happened in the previous chapter. File that under "things that didn't happen 5 years ago".
- Was very pleased to see that Rod has uploaded the first issue of his old comic story "Poke". Check it out!
- Raced against a dying battery to manage my morning writing quota. Hurrah! What did I write? Shit, mostly, but lots of it.
- Wandered around a couple of galleries in the British Museum at lunch. Privilege of our location that I totally take for granted. Saw some neolithic artifacts, some collections of the Enlightenment, and some very nice clocks. Including a gold, mechanised clock in the shape of a huge galleon that would slowly move down the length of a table. Nutty.

Oh, and Alex would like it made clear that although I signed and addressed thank you cards, she did in fact put them all together, for which I am most grateful.

She's holding me prisoner against my will! I think she may kill me any day now! This shit is like Misery! You have to help me!

Anyway, ciao for now dahlinks!

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