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Monday, October 27, 2008

Things I Did Yesterday 27/10/08

My clamouring public demands me! Yesterday I:

- Didn't write. Bad Andrew. Read fantasy tat in the park instead, huddled out of the miserable weather.

- Did, however, continue my Bill Bryson audiobook odyssey, with Notes From A Small Island, which I'm very glad I never read before living in the UK for a while.

- Worked. Biggest job was putting together an invoice for Hounslow libraries, but other than that I was mainly covering (and tidying behind) the till.

- Claudia and Morgan swung by at the end of the day, so they, I, Will and Nat swung down to the Princess Louise for a quick drink. Nice to see them, particularly given that there's limited time left to see them in before their American relocation.

- Came home to the smell of roasting chicken. Mmmm...

- Also came home to discover that Alex had salvaged some goodies from her friends that she helped move through the day, including a bicycle and an original Xbox. It's just the kind of time waster I've been looking for.

- Played some Mario Kart while Alex watched. That's the kind of crazy shit we do at night.

- We started watching Stephen Fry's America, which was, of course, quite entertaining, if a little brief in its coverage.

- Went to bed and tried to read. Went to sleep. Fitfully.

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