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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Script Frenzy Update Day 2

Pages Written Today: 0
Total Pages Written: 3

Jesus, talk about a sputtering start. Still, I guess the novel month had a slow lift-off too, so I won't get discouraged. Anyway, those who followed the novel writing month will notice an important difference, which is the measurement of pages rather than words for this one. Given the slow kick off, my daily target is now around 3.5 pages per day. Ahh, it's nice how low those daily targets seem at this end of the month.

Anyway, a little about yesterday: I haven't written any script stuff for a while now and I was a little unsure of how it would go. But, after a bit of a mare of a morning getting into town, I sat down for an hour or so and just started in, hitting the three page mark by the time I had to get to work. Which was a nice way to start, really. Shame I couldn't continue that today, but I had an unexpected early start and worked through lunch, which left me shattered by the end of the day. So tomorrow morning I'm back into it with both guns blazing. My plan is this: a straight adaptation running to however many pages that might need (the three pages I did yesterday were the first page of the short story, considerably embellished), then padding if necessary.

And by "padding", I mean of course "enriching".

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