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Sunday, January 11, 2009

JaNoWriMo Update Day 11

Words Written Today: 2095
Total Words Written: 14453

Surprised myself a bit with this today, given I wasn't feeling it at all this morning. Cops buzzing on the building door at 1.30am for some kind of disturbance upstairs meant a piss-poor night's sleep and I felt it when I woke up. But once I sat down I didn't have any trouble at all, finishing up over the pre-work and lunchtime period. So, happy with that.

I'm starting to be a little concerned about how I'm going to wrap things up. To make matters worse I introduced a third major character today.I guess as long as I can wrap her quickly into what else is going on it shouldn't be a problem. There was always going to be a moment where the different threads converge.

In other news, my ghosts have now become zombies. Sort of. Though they may just be possessed. The initial ghost-like figure has become the embodiment of a kind of mad god-like figure from the ancient past. Things are slowly taking shape and hopefully there will still be some shred of internal logical consistency by the time I'm done.

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