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Friday, January 09, 2009

JaNoWriMo Update Day 9

Words Written Today: 1396
Total Words Written: 10899

Well, hardly the plucky fightback I was hoping for, but better than nothing I guess, with the added bonus of nipping over the 10,000 word mark.

I found I had real trouble getting into things this morning. I wonder if that had anything to do with the lack of time pressure. Normally I'm cramming time in before work and during lunch, so I'm more inclined to go for it. There was a lot more dithering this morning. In fact, I started at around 9am at the Starbucks down by Angel and by 11, when I had decided to head into town to catch a movie at 12.45, I had only done around 800 words. The rest was done across the road from the cinema in about half an hour before the session started. After the movie I had a bunch of domestic things to get done, so I pretty much gave up for the day then.

Saw Slumdog Millionaire, by the way, which was a nice little film. Well, maybe nice is an inappropriate word for most of it, but I did enjoy it a great deal. Not without some serious flaws (one particularly jarring time jump and a lack of chemistry between the leads being the main two irks for me), but what Danny Boyle film is? Also, I think Irfan Khan should be in as many movies as is humanly possible. God I loved The Warrior.

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