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Thursday, January 01, 2009

JaNoWriMo Update Day 1

Words Written Today: 0
Total Words Written: 0

Not a cracking start, but then I had suspected this day would be a write-off (har har). So, kick it into gear tomorrow morning! Scarily, I still haven't decided what I'm going to write. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Okay fellow JaNoWriMo folks! Gimme an update in the comments below.


  1. yeah me too.
    I did think about it late last night. I`m pretty sick right now and that`s always a good excuse to lounge around a bit. watched that Joy Division film Closer which seemed fairly irrelevant somehow. In 24 Hour Party People, which I finally saw the other day, the shot of his feet swinging did spoil the whole film somehow.
    I thought about what to write but inevitably it would be another trawl through all my old demons.
    I might write some short story on my blog to depict the theme.
    It`s funny how after not writing fiction for a long time (tried again in 2005 pre-Goshomon start) words seem to be kind of vulgar somehow. Even my comics have been getting quieter. A base desription of a violent act in prose can be quite horrid but when poorly depicted in drawing it has a kind of ascendant poetic quality.

    Hey Leon should be bringing a book in a short book soon where he drew illustrations to Lawrie`s poems. It IS genius so please have a look at that one, I reckon you`ll like it.

    Anyway, unless I get a higher calling at some point today (always possible) I don`t know if I`ll manage the ride.

    a Barefoot Knight novel maybe...

  2. Anonymous7:33 am

    sorry the film is called Contact isn`t it.
