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Monday, January 05, 2009

JaNoWriMo Update Day 5

Words Written Today: 1735
Total Words Written: 6179

Bit better today, though I do need to sit down and recalculate my daily target to make up for the shortfall yesterday and the day missed on the 1st. Managed to make some good progress this morning at Costa thanks to the lack of manic distraction and even managed to write some stuff that I thought was better than total rubbish. Rounded off at the Lord Clyde pub on my way home from work, where I returned to the level I had maintained previously. Still, the glimmer of decent writing in there was a heartening development.

Plot-wise things are still pretty vague. I haven't woken in the night with any particular Eureka moment, though I have figured out some of the details as to how our two main characters will actually meet. Which is progress.


  1. Andrew, Andrew, Andrew

    Yes, I'm adopting the low down tactics of word repetition already. Not in the novel though. Yet.

    I must hang my head in shame because despite good intentions, I've only written 14 words so far. Though someone helpfully commented that I've been out there experiencing life if for no other reason than to provide fodder for the crazy tale that will eventually emerge in my novel. And I've certainly had a surreal start to this year.

    Anyway, I'm squandering my brain's limited ability to generate words in this comment box!

    All the best fellow writers.


  2. Looking forward to hearing about this New Years of yours!
